The Clean Energy Leadership Institute’s Refund Policy

CELI does not provide refunds, with the exception of a physical accident or medical emergency that renders a fellow unable to complete the fellowship. If at any point during the fellowship, a fellow becomes physically unable to complete the program and needs to withdraw, CELI will offer that individual a refund based on the percentage of the fellowship that the fellow has left to complete and not including application fees or their deposit. 

Missing Curriculum Sessions: 

  • CELI regrets to inform fellows that refunds will not be provided for those who fail to adhere to our attendance policies. 

  • Fellows are required to attend mandatory sessions during the fellowship, as outlined in the Institute’s Attendance and Participation Policy.

  • If unforeseen circumstances arise, the Fellow will be allowed to miss 1 mandatory session and will be asked to submit a homework assignment to the Fellowship Associate and CELI staff in order to provide proof of curriculum participation and to reflect on the concepts introduced during these training sessions. If more than 1 mandatory session is missed, the fellow will be removed from the program and no refunds will be provided, barring exceptional circumstances.

  • CELI allows up to 3 excused absences during the weekday sessions. The fourth absence will trigger automatic withdrawal from the program and no refunds will be provided, barring exceptional circumstances.

Cohort Transfer:

  • If the cohort transfer is requested before the fellowship’s start and the situation is not resolved according to the applicant's satisfaction, the applicant may withdraw prior to the Fellowship, and CELI will reimburse the Fellow all monies paid (except application fees and a deposit).

  • If the cohort transfer is requested after the fellowship’s start and the situation is not resolved according to the Fellow's satisfaction, the Fellow may withdraw prior to the end of the Fellowship, however CELI will not reimburse the Fellow for any monies paid.

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