2016 Alum Cindy Zhu Creates New Startup with Application for iOS Devices!

Ecountabl (https://ecountabl.com/) is an early stage startup founded by 2016 DC Alum Cindy Zhu along with other Dept of Energy and USGBC alum, designed to help people align their spending with their personal values on key issues like gender pay equity, human rights, worker pay, climate and sustainability, racial justice, and more.

The ecountabl consumer app is now live on the iOS App store –the platform utilizes corporate stakeholder performance data (JUSTCapital, CSRHub, GenderFair, Human Rights Campaign + others) to rate companies & create custom “ValueFit” scores for our users. Each rating is tailored to the individual based on prioritized personal areas of concern, and you can get a full read-out across dozens of issues with many of the largest companies in the world.

Download the app here (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/ecountabl-value-your-spending/id1493904001) and let Cindy know what you think! If you’re passionate about the democratization of ESG data or interested in discussing more about our monetization & B2B strategy (aiming to imbed directly where consumers spend their time online: ecommerce, job search, financial platforms) —reach out! She would love to talk to you!

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